Berlin, Germany 24-27 September 2022
InnoTrans is a major international event for transport technologies and innovations which takes place in Berlin, Germany every two years. It occupies all 42 halls of Berlin Expo Center, making possible for buyers and seller to discover such segments of the exhibition as railway technology, interiors, railway infrastructure, public transport, tunnel construction and attend outdoor display with railroad vehicles, systems for nondestructive testing etc.

Among 2771 exhibitors OKOndt Group presented its range of mechanized and automated control systems for railroad safety of:
- rolling stock: ultrasonic systems (UD4-94-ОKО-01, UD4-76, AUTS Axle-4 OS-4); eddy current (VD3-71, VD 131-ND, KVD-300); ultrasonic/eddy current (SNK-KP8, SNK OS-3),
- railroad: ultrasonic devices (UDS2-73, UDS2-77, UD3-71); eddy current (ЕТS2-73, ЕТS2-77, OKOSCAN 73HS,);
- magnetic particle inspection systems (UMPK-OS38, UMPK-2000).
InnoTrans is a productive platform for meeting new opportunities and expanding business activity. Visitors from 56 countries attended the exhibition and OKOndt Group’s stand itself.
Meeting with reliable partners is a great part of InnoTrans. The representatives of companies from the USA, Canada, India, Africa as well as Asia and Europe were welcomed at the stand of OKOndt Group.
Having global targeting OKOndt Group has become a constant participant of Innotrans. An upcoming InnoTrans in 2024 is the place to meet with us!