On September 14 – 18, the 23rd International Conference on Nondestructive testing and monitoring of technical condition took place in a magnificent sea city. The event was arranged at highest technological and organizational levels and was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the local Society for Nondestructive Testing.
The Conference gathered together the scientists, research associates of the institutions dealing with the NDT, e.g. E.O.Paton Institute of Electric Welding, Scientific and Research Institute for Nondestructive Testing, STC «Termokontrol», SE «Koloran» of L.V.Pysarzhevskyi Institute of Physical attended the Conference; as well as numerous specialists from industrial enterprises and organizations.

Mr. Kryvtsun, the academician of NAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, acting Director of E.O.Paton Institute of Electric Welding, opened the forum. Afterward, Mrs. Tetiana Lutsenko, Director General of the group of companies OKOndt GROUP welcomed the guests of the event.

During the Conference, numerous reports on vital NDT issues were presented. In particular, the following topics were covered: «Complex Testing of Welded Joints Using PA + TOFD Technologies», «Heat Flaw Detection of Composites», «Implementation of an Automatic System for Monitoring and Diagnosing the Technical Condition of Gas Cleaning Fans in Open-Hearth Furnaces», «Investigation of the Impact of Risk Sources on the Technical Safety of Welded Structures In Service», «Methods of Defect Detection in Pipes Under Coating», «Flaw Detection of Non-Magnetic Materials by РТ-МРI Combined Method», «Elaboration and Implementation of Materials for Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Flaw Detection not Containing Hazardous Components», «Problems of Monitoring of Technical Condition of the Rolling Stock», «Development of Methods and Means of Ultrasonic Testing in the Production of Large Diameter Electric-Welded Pipes», “Innovative Technologies of Eddy Current Testing of Structures Made of Ferromagnetic Steel».
The Exhibition of nondestructive testing equipment was also held in parallel with the Conference. Manual flaw detectors were demonstrated, i.e. ultrasonic flaw detectors Sonocon B and Sonocon BL, eddy current flaw detectors Eddycon C and Eddycon CL,which were developed by OKOndt Group. Besides the portable flaw detectors, OKOndt Group is a manufacturer of a wide range of mechanized and automated Systems, so the presentations of ultrasonic rail flaw detectors UDS2-77 and UDS2-73, automated testing systems – the System for small and large diameter pipes testing, System of aircraft wheels testing SmartScan, System of automated high-speed rail testing OKOSCAN UT73HS – were carried out.

At the same time, the epidemiological situation did not allow all the invitees and participants to come to the Conference. The Head of Attestation Centre in NDT, Mr. Tsechal, who had celebrated his 90th anniversary just before, the celebration of which was planned in the cultural program of the Conference, could not come. A traditional poetic welcome speech which Mr. Tsechal sent to all the participants of the Conference was read out during the official part.
The Conference and Exhibition were very fruitful and successful. The NDT specialists discussed the heard reports, exchanged the results of researches and shared the ideas of the development of the NDT field under the current conditions.
Yearly this nondestructive testing-related event has become a good tradition. And, our group of companies believes that the pandemic will be over soon, and the established tradition to hold the Conference and Exhibition Nondestructive Testing 2021 each May will be realized. We also hope to hold the next conference as scheduled. This will allow the NDT specialists to get together again, exchange new ideas on the future prospective of the NDT field.